Psalm 42:2

Psalm 42:2

My soul thirsts for God

Do you remember the words of Jesus? “If any man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink and out of his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.” John 7:37-38. The spiritual life is often linked to hunger and thirst, Jesus used these analogies in the Sermon on the Mount and the writers of the Epistles talk of similar longings. And that’s what the thirst is, a longing for relationship, for meaning, for love and satisfaction, for peace and for joy, for intimacy. That is what our souls are all about, they long to be satisfied and so they drive our thoughts, our emotions and, ultimately, our actions. Temporal, worldly cravings are never satisfied because worldly desires can never be completely fulfilled, there is always a need for more or for better. I heard one of the Bee Gees being interviewed just yesterday and he admitted that by the age of 21 he had 6 Rolls Royce’s and added that fabulous wealth at a young age just makes you very self-centred. Our souls were created to be filled and if we have no spiritual life, all that is available is the empty offerings of the world. 

So, do you have a thirst for something more? Is there a longing to meet with the living God, to have a relationship with Him, to know the friendship and love that comes from knowing Jesus? He sends His Holy Spirit primarily for this purpose. Many Christians think that the Holy Spirit is all about power and giftings and the supernatural. He may be all of those things but His greatest work within us is to satisfy our thirst for God. And when that thirst is met the beautiful fruit of the Spirit flows out of us like a river. 


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