Psalm 42:10

Psalm 42:10

Where is your God?

We have no reason to believe that the man writing this Psalm used excessive, flowery language or exaggerated his predicament, so we can assume that he was in a lot of pain and that he felt like he was dying. Mortal agony, slaughter in his bones. We would probably say, “The pain is killing me.” In addition, he has to endure the taunts of his enemies all day long. It sounds as if he is not only incarcerated and under surveillance, but he is also severely injured or beaten. “Where is your God” are the jeering cries of the oppressors and indeed, the prisoner is beginning to ask the same question. He feels abandoned and afraid. This so reminds us of the Lord Jesus who must also undergo such suffering. The pain and the oppression were not just aimed at Him, they were a direct challenge to the Lord God; the taunts were from men who belittled and arrogantly challenged the authority, the existence and the abilities of God Almighty!

It's very easy to take persecution personally. When people insult us or belittle us for our faith, it hurts. Those barbed comments, the sneering look, the astonishment that anyone could believe in fairy tales, that’s all part of the agenda, but remember this, God is insulted far more. He is their Creator, their Lord and their Judge, only fools would sneer at Him. For you see, when we get ridiculed, the jibes are really aimed at Him. When they say, "Where is your God ?" What they are really saying is, “There is no God.”



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