Psalm 40:16

Psalm 40:16

The Lord is great!

What a beautiful verse for us today; this should be the heart cry and prayer of every pastor and Christian leader. As we look at the flock, the sheep and lambs entrusted to our care, we see those who are seeking Him. To be honest it’s not all of them, there are those who don’t seek Him but we’ll put them to one side for the moment. It’s the seekers, the men and women and young people who have fervent hearts, who have a passion for the Lord and who earnestly study His truth and listen for His voice; these are those who will seek and shall find. If you are reading this it is probably because you are a seeker. What joy and gladness there is in the searching. What anticipation and hope the quest brings. What a purpose to each day as we set out to seek Him. Do we long for His saving help? The Lord’s salvation is multi-faceted. Salvation from our sins. Salvation from God’s wrath. Salvation from temptation. Salvation from our enemies. Salvation from the dreadful situation we may be in, from the relationship or hardship that we are suffering. Salvation from sickness and death. Whatever the situation, if we seek Him we will be given salvation. And what is the resounding conclusion to our search? “The Lord is great!” He is great because He is! He is great because He may be found! He is great because He is the source of eternal hope! He is great because He saves! He is great because He helps those who look for Him! He is great because in searching we find joy and gladness. How great He is! Enjoy your searching today. Hallelujah!



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