Psalm 40:9

Psalm 40:9

The great assembly

As the high days and feast days came and went throughout the Israelite’s year, vast crowds would gather at Jerusalem to worship and sacrifice to their God. Remember that the Ark of the Covenant and the Sacred tent or Tabernacle had been lost until David re-found and restored them and set up a place for worship in the capital city. Once again the feasts were celebrated – Passover, Firstfruits, Pentecost or Weeks, Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles. Most Israelites would attempt to attend at least one of these events and would make their way to Jerusalem and camp out if necessary so as to be part of the festivities. David loved these occasions and did not restrain himself from celebrating with his people. He wrote songs especially for these Feast Days and would join in the throngs who crowded around the Holy site – later to become the location of Solomon’s temple. At these times the King danced and sang and proclaimed the greatness of the Lord and, no doubt, encouraged the crowds to do the same. It’s evident that David would stand before his people and recount the saving acts of their God, his lips would proclaim the Lord’s greatness and power and the people would return to their towns and villages with the renewed faith and purpose that such occasions inspire. It does us good to be with crowds of worshippers at times, to sing and proclaim the greatness of the Lord before we return to the routines of daily life. That is part of the purpose of meeting together with other believers – to worship and be corporately inspired by our God. 


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