Psalm 40:5

Psalm 40:5

Too many to declare

I’ve just read this verse, looked at the clock, and wondered how much time I have to fully do it justice! “Many are the wonders You have done, Lord my God.” When the Israelites reviewed the wonders that God had done they would usually start with the patriarchs, go through God’s deliverance from slavery in Egypt, and recount the blessings of the Promised Land. It was a kind of review of the nation’s history. So instead of my giving a brief review of Bible history and my own experiences of what the Lord has done, perhaps it would be good for us all to stop and ponder today, “What are the wonders He has done in my life?” Highlight those moments when the extraordinary hand of the Lord has intervened or blessed you in some way and you know that everything changed as a consequence. 

Just last night, my wife concluded a weekly Zoom Bible Study on the Book of Ruth. Our final deliberations were on the meaning of the Hebrew word “vav”. It expresses the idea that everything is linked and ordered, there is a golden thread that brings the past, the present and the future into line and the Lord God is in control of our destiny. Things happen, not by chance, but by design. If you see your life in this way, then you will have no fear for the future and you will be able to see a guiding hand at work in your past. You see, “These are the things He has planned for us. None can compare with Him.” I hope that as our journey of faith continues onwards that we will be able to say, like David, “Were I to speak and tell of Your deeds, they would be too many to declare.”



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