Psalm 40:4

Psalm 40:4

Trust in the Lord

We are back to the same familiar truth that runs like a golden thread through all of David’s Psalms. We keep being reminded of our need to trust in the Lord. As we have noticed, many times now, the fundamental foundation stone of our relationship with the one true God is faith. Faith that believes that He is in control, that He can do anything because He is Creator God. Faith that believes in His salvation and that we have nothing to bring to the table, He gives and expects nothing in return – except faith. Our seeking for well-being comes not from looking within but from looking without – to Him. He is the source of life and hope and love and justice, without Him nothing makes sense. What is the point of our attempts to resolve all the big questions and to plan and organise our futures when He has already done it? Why would we trust in Kings and Queens and Presidents and Prime Ministers and politicians and earthly leaders when we have the Lord? These men and women are proud in the extreme, they demand our votes, our allegiance, our loyalty but we do not need them, we have the Lord God. No man or woman occupies any position of power in this world unless God gave it to them. So do not trust in man and do not worship or put your faith in any false deity or gods. Do not elevate anyone or anything above God in your life. If you want contentment and hope and deep inner happiness, then have faith in God, trust in Him and Him alone! It’s time to let go!



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