Psalm 40:3

Psalm 40:3

A new song

Well, David was a song writer extraordinaire, the best known and most eagerly sought after of his day. Can you imagine the excitement as the crowds made their pilgrimages to the temple for each of the festivals and they anticipated the musical treat that awaited in Jerusalem? I’m sure that one of the talking points on route would be the content and melody of David’s next song. What would it be about? Would they all be able to sing it? Had the choir rehearsed the music? Would they be able to familiarise themselves with the lyrics and share them back home? What was their favourite Psalm? Was it Psalm 19 or 23 or 100 or 139? Many of these brilliant songs were preserved for special occasions and became part of the fabric of their religious lives. Back home there might not be orchestras and choirs but they still learned the words and sang them together as a reminder of the high days and holidays. Children learned these songs too as part of their educational curriculum and it was a great day when a new song was released and heard for the first time. The point that David makes here is that he was not the author of the songs, “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.” He attributes his latest song of worship to the Lord. David also rejoices that many will hear it and learn it and they will grow in faith and understanding as a consequence. So, let’s not despise new songs, especially those that are inspired by God and given to assist our growth and understanding of Him. And let us remember, as we study these songs, that we are participating in a Hymnal the contents of which dates back over 3,000 years but that has as much to offer to worshippers today as it did back then. Somehow, “Strawberry Fields forever” and “I did it my way” don’t quite compare do they?


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