Psalm 40:2

Psalm 40:2

The miry pit

In September 1982 I plunged into a slimy, miry pit of life-sucking, depressive mud and, at the time, thought that my existence had no more meaning. Over the ensuing months doctors, psychiatrists and bottles of pills were offered to help me but none of them could show me the way out of that dark and terrifying place. Even after the initial weariness and despair had lifted a little, there would follow years of panic attacks and crippling phobias that threatened to take away any sense of normality and stability in my soul. Only my heavenly Father could help me and little by little He revealed the causes of my incarceration in that dreadful pit and then, He offered me the route out of it. His escape ladder was these very Psalms which I read and memorised every day, filling my head with positive and praise-full thoughts rather than listening to the negative and self-destructive arrows sent by the enemy. It took time but slowly my feet and hands clung to the next rung on the ladder and then the one above that until I realised that the miry mud was below me and there was a growing sense of light above me. Today I stand on a rock, in a firm place and have done so for many years now. My Soul Deliverer was God alone and without Him I would probably not be here. This verse means everything to those of us who have suffered the exhausting confinement of the miry pit. How we thank the Lord for His patience and His faithful and loving deliverance. Hallelujah!


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