Psalm 39:8

Psalm 39:8

Keep saving me Lord!

We use the word “salvation” a lot in the Christian Church. The heart of our faith is that Christ died to save us from the consequences of our sins. He removed those sins from us and made us righteous in the eyes of God. Praise the Lord for that! But that kind of salvation is historic and it occurs at the beginning of the Christian journey. The event that made salvation possible happened 2,000 years ago and the moment that you and I were made aware of it was also in the past, be it yesterday or over 50 years since. I think what David is pleading in this Psalm is not historic but present and it does us well to grasp this. Let’s re-word this statement slightly, “Lord my transgressions are still with me, I still sin and break Your commands. Deliver me from the taunts and influence of my sinful weaknesses. Give me moral strength to be able to conquer my sins, in Your name.” Some people’s theology will differ here but I can only speak from experience and I would love to be free of the sinful nature and the war within me. If you have a similar problem, read how Paul describes it in Romans 7:14-25. 

David knows that the consequences of his fall from grace, his mental state, his illness, his abandonment by friends and his public disgrace are all fodder for his enemies. How they love to see him in the gutter, how they mock and scorn the once great and mighty king. These godless fools are despised by David and he pleads with the Lord, “Do not make me the scorn of fools.” That’s quite a prayer isn’t it? Lord, I am going through hard times right now and people know how I am suffering. Do not let them mock me and most of all, may Your name not be mocked because of me. 



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