Psalm 39:7

Psalm 39:7

What do I look for?

This is a big question is it not? “What do I look for?” In the context of the Psalm David seems to be comparing his own hopes and ambitions, his goals and objectives, with those of his contemporaries. As we have seen, people all around him are “rushing about, heaping up wealth without knowing whose it will be.” That has to be a pretty good indictment of people of today in our wealthy culture; most of them are extremely busy. Dads rush out of the door in the mornings to catch the train or to drive to work on time, mums rush to get children ready for school and then hasten home to start their own work or to get to the office because they are also busy heaping up wealth. Not everyone lives like this but many do and they never stop to ask, “Why?” Do I ever stop to ask, “Why?” 

Perhaps today is the day to stop and question our intentions, “What is this all about? Why do I drive myself so hard? Am I just accumulating wealth to leave to others? Who will ultimately benefit from all of this? Can I be sure?” David has had time, on his sickbed, to think about these questions and all he can say is, “My hope is in You.” Dare we repeat that statement? Can we honestly say that we believe that the Lord has it all under control and that our future lies in Him and not in our savings or accumulated possessions? Can we stand on the threshold of the future and admit that everything that happens and everything that we hope for is in Him, therefore we don’t have to organise it ourselves anymore? Food for thought – and prayer! 



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