Psalm 39:6

Psalm 39:6

Like phantoms!

The Psalm uses a peculiar image in this verse – “everyone goes around like a mere phantom.” The expression simply means that we are all like ghostly shadows; intermingling, then withdrawing; faceless, nameless people who come and go. Imagine yourself, for a moment, in a busy High Street at the weekend with crowds off shoppers. How many faces will you remember? How many conversations will you have? How many of those people you saw will you ever see again? You see, we are just shadows that brush against one another and then move on never to interact again. 

David seems to be anticipating a thought-provoking book here, written by his son, and the next but one in the Bible, Ecclesiastes. There you will find that Solomon writes a great deal about the vanity of man, the pointlessness of chasing wealth and riches and power. Yet everyone does it who can do it. Even penniless migrants are seeking a better life, looking for increased wealth, because the world’s values teach us all that the more we have, the better our lives will be and the more we will have made of life itself. My wife and I both work in a business that provides people with Wills and Powers of Attorney and helps them to make the most of what they’ve got and then advises on how to leave it to their successors. Most clients are intent on avoiding taxes and trying to control what happens to their wealth after they have died. Few indeed are as concerned about what happens to their lives here and now and how they might bless others before they leave this world. How sad! Let’s be among those who live for today because, as Jesus said, “We do not know what tomorrow will bring.”


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