Psalm 39:13

Psalm 39:13

Look away from me

This verse reminds us of the pleadings of Job. So full of self-pity was he that he blames the Lord for giving mankind too much attention! “Will you never look away from me or let me alone even for an instant. If I have sinned, what have I done to you, you who see everything we do? Why have you made me your target? Have I become a burden to you?” Job 7:17-20. Later Job pleads with the Lord to turn away from him so that he can experience a few moments of joy before he goes to the place of no return, to the land of gloom and utter darkness. Job 10:20-22. This attitude that the heavy hand of the Lord God is too great to bear, that His discipline is too heavy and His commands too onerous, is probably not shared by many Christians in the 21st century! I confess I would not dare to ask God to leave me alone so I could have a few moments of peace before I leave this world! However, we need to remember that these dear saints of old did not know of resurrection and heaven, and the glory that awaits those who trust in Jesus Christ. They did believe that the Lord would look after the righteous and, thank God, they have received the resurrection life that is granted to us by faith. Maybe we should stop sometimes and just give thanks for the hope that we have and the glory of God’s Covenant with His church and with His ancient peoples, all made possible by the death and raising to life of Jesus Christ. What a blessed people we are! What a way to end what has been a dark and troubling Psalm!


Thank You Lord.


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