Psalm 39:12 Part 1

Psalm 39:12

Hear my prayer, Lord

This is the final appeal in the Psalm, that the Lord God will listen and hear the cry of His earthly child. I suspect that it is not a polite request for an audience, nor is it an impatient plea for attention. No! This is David on his knees begging for a response from heaven; heaven that seems to be deaf to his pleading, heaven that has, thus far, shown no sign of having heard one word of his earnest entreaties. The most heart-rending cry is the confession that David does not feel like he belongs, that his tears are the tears of a foreigner in a world of foreigners who wander through their lives on earth at odds with their Creator and estranged from Him. This statement gives us an insight into the mental torture that the king was going through; He is appealing to One who is outside his experience and who dwells in another place and who too often seems to be distant from His servants. I guess that we can all confess to times like that. Isn’t it great when we are filled with the Holy Spirit and the Lord God floods our beings with His presence? Isn’t it awful when He seems to be a million light years away and we feel isolated, alone and completely cut off from His love and care? Sin does that, that is why the Satan loves to embroil us in his wretched schemes – to cut us off from the Father and to bring us to a place of doubt and despair. Don’t listen to Him. Confess the sin and get right with the Lord that it may go well with you.

 This verse has more to teach us, we will return to it tomorrow. 


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