Psalm 39:11

Psalm 39:11

The moth of judgement

Psalm 38 begins with the words, “Lord, do not rebuke me in Your anger or discipline me in Your wrath.” We observed there, that it is to the Lord God that we must account for our actions and if we have sinned then we should be fearful of His anger! Sin always has to be punished, there is no sin that does not carry a judgement. There are not small sins and big sins – sin is sin. In the same way, there are no individuals ever born to man that are able to escape the consequences of their sin. Sin is punishable by death and ultimately that is the way of mankind. Adam and Eve would have lived forever had it not been for their sin. As our feeble bodies approach the end of this life and the gates of death await us, we must face the rebuke and discipline of the Lord. Our bodies, our possessions, our accomplishments and status and success or failure in this world count for nothing for they are eaten up by the moth of God’s rebuke. We talk of things being “moth-eaten” and David uses the same analogy. Rich and poor and weak and strong all approach the day of reckoning on the same basis, we are all but a breath that quickly passes and so we must face our eternal fate. Sin kills. Sin destroys. The consequences of sin are eternal judgement and there is nothing that we can do about it. 

Except for …… those whose sins have already been punished and whose iniquity has already been removed from them. Only one person can do that, God Himself. He grants a pardon to all those who trust in the blood of the Lamb of Calvary and who repent of their sin and believe in Him. That is our only hope. But what a hope it is! Hallelujah!


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