Psalm 38:20

Psalm 38:20

Suffering for doing good

We are drawing to the conclusion of this woeful Psalm and David is still apparently wallowing in self-pity. “All I do is good and yet my enemies repay me with evil. They make up accusations and besmirch my character and my name. This is so unwarranted for all I do is good.” Well, it sounds like self-pity and I believe it is, because much of this Psalm has been about David’s sin and his broken relationship with the Lord God. One way or another he has been anything but good! Of course, there is a difference between our relationship with the Lord that requires a foundation of righteousness, and our relationship with others to whom we seek to do good even if our personal life is out of order. Let’s be clear here, there are few rewards in this life for doing good. Many will misunderstand our motives. Some will seek to undermine our intentions and there will always be a few who criticise from the side lines. If we want rewards they usually have to be bought or negotiated! So, if you are suffering for doing good and if your well-intentioned actions are coming under criticism then join the club. If you do good only to claim the praise and plaudits of others you may need to think again. As this Psalm has taught us, it is before God that our actions matter and the unfairness of life and of other people is sometimes a cross that has to be carried. 



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