Psalm 37:40

Psalm 37:40

Take refuge in Him

I am sure that there are many occasions when the Lord steps into our lives and guides, guards and blesses us and we are not even aware of it. There are other occasions when we think we are resolving our problems and it all works out well and we proclaim, proudly, that we did it! We do not give Him the credit but take it for ourselves. The better way is to be so close to Him, so intimate that we share every need and every problem and we take Him with us into every minute of our life. In that scenario we are taking refuge in Him, we are admitting our own weakness and limitations and we are giving Him control of ourselves. That is dependency and that is the journey that real faith will take us on; less and less of me and more and more of Him. Now we are in business! We stop worrying and fretting and we slowly learn to bring everything to Him in prayer and let Him do the worrying for us! The Lord helps the righteous. The Lord delivers the righteous. The Lord saves the righteous BECAUSE they take refuge in Him. Let’s take refuge beneath those massive wings today and stop trying to do it all alone. What a relationship this is! Hallelujah!


And so this amazing Psalm comes to an end. None that we have studied thus far depict the differences between the righteous and the wicked as does Psalm 37. In this Psalm we have learned that our righteousness is more to do with faith than it is with works. We have also learned that the journey of faith is not so much about discipline and resolve but about growing dependency. It is about casting ourselves increasingly on the Lord and giving Him control. It is about relinquishing self and gaining Him. Throughout the Psalm we have noticed numerous references to the Land and how that Land is inherited. The parallels with Israel are obvious and there should be no doubt in our minds that to conquer and retain the Land does require willing obedience but it cannot be done in human strength using human strategies. The Land is the same Land for all of us but, like Israel, we each have to conquer our own designated part of it. May your journey of faith be enhanced by the study of Psalm 37; mine has! May we go on to make further conquests. May we never underestimate the pointlessness of the ways of the wicked and the futility of their lives. May the Lord keep us righteous before Him but, above all, may our faith grow as we press on into the inheritance He has for us. Take full refuge in Him and you will not go far wrong. 


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