Psalm 38:5-8


Psalm 38:5-8 

Sinful folly!

I feel ill-equipped to comment on the lament that pours out from David’s heart in these verses. Don’t rush over them, stop and ponder them and put yourself in the place of this broken man: -

·      My wounds fester and are loathsome

·      I am bowed down and brought very low

·      All day long I go about mourning

·      My back is filled with searing pain

·      There is no health in my body

·      I am feeble and utterly crushed

·      I groan in anguish of heart

There are a number of things that come to mind here. Firstly, if this was me I would probably not want to write about it! Secondly, David is describing physical illness and psychological illness too. Thirdly, he did not have doctors to sooth him and prescribe painkillers and healing medicines, nor would he have been aware of the name of the condition or illness that had overwhelmed him. Instead, David sees all of these symptoms as the direct result of his sinful folly. That leads me to wonder how much of our present-day sickness and depression and psychological illness is caused by the same thing? It’s a big subject but I also wonder how much work would be saved by our Health Service if we all lived godly lives and obeyed our Maker? Should believers be more healthy than the rest? I do realise that we live in a broken world and that pandemics, for instance, are outside of our control, but gluttony, exercise and alcohol can be controlled, as can the content of our minds. Just saying! Are you and I suffering because of our sinful folly?


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