Psalm 38:3-4

Psalm 38:3-4

Sin and health

There is no doubt that sin affects health! There are two levels at which this statement applies, and lots of grey areas in between. Those who live without God and who ignore or reject Him still have consciences. This ability to know right from wrong, to have an awareness of morals and ethics, was given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It was one of the most obvious consequences of eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Conscience has been handed down to every human being who has ever lived and so even the most vile of our species still have some kind of moral thermometer. Thus, if they have done wrong they will feel a pang of regret or remorse or have to make a conscious effort to subdue it. Paul talks at length about this condition of the godless in Romans 1:18-32 and he makes no excuses for them. He effectively is saying that, deep down, everyone knows that there is God and we are all without excuse when we sin against Him. Hence, even though they will deny it, the godless suffer for their sins.

The dilemma for the godly is somewhat different. We do know God. We do know His truth. We do know about righteousness and we have been saved. We know what sin is and the battle that rages within can tie us up in knots. The consequences for our health cannot be ignored and there are thousands of believers whose faith and testimony suffers along with their bodies, because of sin. David describes this well when he writes, “My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear.” Sometimes it is necessary for us to come to this point of self-recognition so that we will deal with our guilt. The Lord disciplines those He loves and we are too adept at turning a blind eye to our sins or hoping to carry on secretly! If you are suffering right now, go to the cross and repent. Confess your sins and receive the cleansing that is freely and lovingly offered. Get up from your knees and do not live in condemnation any longer. Your physical health my not improve immediately but you will feel better!


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