Psalm 38:19

Psalm 38:19

Enemies without cause

Many of the societies in our so-called civilised, western countries are being torn apart by internal disruption, by political in-fighting and by minority causes fighting for their rights. The more we make human rights our cause, the more disruptive the world will become. The alternative is that populations are subjected to controls by the elite or the powerful and no one dares to speak out or defy the system. That is equally oppressive and wrong and it all goes to show that there is no perfect political, social or democratic way for human beings to govern themselves; sooner or later the cracks appear and power struggles emerge. That is because it is human nature to want to have control. 

Because David was King of Israel he automatically found himself in a position where enemies plotted and schemed to kill him and harm him. It goes with the territory! Even Christians get very hot under the collar about their political allegiances and see no good in the opposition and fall for the propaganda of the side that they support. Having witnessed so many political campaigns over the years and having fallen for the sugary promises of smooth-talking politicians I find myself weary of them all. Isn’t it time we turned our backs on their lies and devious schemes and trusted in God alone; none of these human leaders have any influence except that which is given to them from above. The plans of our God continue apace and He alone is truth and integrity and unchanging. Meanwhile, here on earth, the enemy continues in his habitual manner, “all day long he schemes and lies.” Don’t fall for any of it!


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