Psalm 38:18

Psalm 38:18

The trouble with sin

I’m sorry to keep on about it but sin is a terrible disease. Don’t take my word for it, take David’s word. Modern science often veers away from God and reveres humanism and that spills over into health care and general well-being for most people. Even Christians are duped into thinking that caring for the body is more important than caring for the soul. So, we all fear cancer and heart disease and pneumonia and the long list of potentially life-threatening illnesses that plague mankind. The world we live in is currently in a state of paralysis caused by the coronavirus. There is fear all around us but no one seems to fear the greatest curse of them all – OUR SIN! Sin is a killer. Sin eats away at our souls from the day that we are born. Sin spreads like wildfire. Sin always ends in death; it is the cause of all mortality on earth from the beginning of time. Sin is the reason for all of society’s ills and it affects all of its victims, physically, mentally and spiritually. Because of this our loving God who created us, cares first and foremost about our sin and there are no lengths that He would not go to heal us and deliver us from its effects. The tragedy is that most people would prefer to remain sick, they rather like carrying this illness because they have been deceived into believing that it will not harm them. What a devious, wretched scheme the enemy has concocted! My friends let us take David’s advice, “I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin.” Confess it. Go to the cross and kneel and repent. Let us be free of this deadly disease and live as healed and restored human beings. Do it today while there is still time. 


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