Psalm 38:15

Psalm 38:15

Lord, I wait for You

We are an impatient lot – us humans. With the developments that technology brings in almost every area of life, we have become used to instant solutions. Instant food, instant answers to questions, instant conversations, instant financial transactions – there are not so many areas in life where we have to wait. This was not so when the Scriptures where written, a 30mile journey took time and preparations. A conversation with someone miles away needed a letter and a lengthy delay before a reply was received. A lot of food produce was only available in season and a mental puzzle or item of general information might never be available; even the news took weeks or months to circulate the country. When you think about it, much of this has only changed in the past 100 years. The whole point of this verse is to remind us to wait, to be patient, to learn to trust for an answer. Our God does not work to our time frame, His scale is eternal, with Him one day is as a thousand years. “Lord, I wait for you; you will answer, Lord my God.” Perhaps we need to be reminded to wait, to not tear off at a tangent to try to speed up His will; to learn to be patient and to exercise simple faith that, “all will be well.” As events unfold across the world and the coming of the Lord Jesus draws near, let us wait but with eager anticipation and filled with hope. As we prevail in prayer for those we love, let us be patient. As we long for deliverance from our personal struggles, let us wait for him, for He will answer. Surprisingly, waiting produces patience and patience produces faith. Hallelujah!


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