Psalm 38:13-14

Psalm 38:13-14

Don't listen!

The bombardment of lies and jeers and accusations by David’s enemies become overbearing and David makes a conscious decision to shut his ears to their taunts. This is actually a positive step; he is effectively saying, “I will not listen to them, I will not hear their lies and I will not respond to their sneers and their goading. I will keep quiet.” We may have suffered like him at some point in our lives, when the barrage of negativity directed towards us become unbearable. There is no more to be said and our protestations are ignored; at such times it may be better to metaphorically stick our fingers in our ears and a tape across our mouths!

When it comes to the spiritual battle, the same ploy is very useful. The bombardment in our heads, the accusations and taunts that we suffer as the arrows of the enemy wing their way towards us; these can be terrifying times. So, what about sticking our fingers in our ears and refusing to listen. Even better, what about turning up the worship music on the CD or Spotify or whatever we use, and drowning out that dreadful barrage of worthless noise that the enemy is making? Stop listening and stop speaking – useful tips in the spiritual warfare we are all engaged with. 

Turn up the volume

Drown out the noise,

Sing songs of worship

And thwart the devil's ploys!


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