Psalm 38:11

Psalm 38:11

Sin and depression

One thing this Psalm makes clear, and modern psychologists are still trying to understand, is that our state of mind has a significant effect on our bodies. This Psalm is incredibly enlightening about the human condition. We know that the root cause of all of David’s ills is His sin. V3-5. (Something psychologists do not recognise – hence their incapacity to help sinners!) David has sinned against his fellow human beings but also against God and his wickedness has brought him to despair. That despair and regret has prompted a state of deep depression accompanied by serious physical ill health. Every part of his being is affected by the original sin. And now he has the added burden of being ostracized by his friends and neighbours. 

The reason that the Gospel is so powerful and liberating is that it deals with the root cause of humanity’s problems – Sin! Once sin is forgiven a victim may begin the road to recovery both mentally and physically. It’s a very simple principle but complex in its outworking for each and every victim is different. That is why we need the Holy Spirit to help us to untangle the web that is weaved around so many people. Let’s get this equation clear in our minds shall we?

·      Each and very individual born into this world is a victim of sin. We are born in sin and that sin very quickly starts to take hold. Whoever had to teach their young children to lie? For many, the depravity of their sin leads them to deep and dark, moral and mental, valleys of despair and hopelessness. 

·      The severity of the sin-sickness effects not just the spirit and the soul but the mind and ultimately the body. It is a creeping paralysis that strangles the life out of its victims. 

·      There are many sedatives and panaceas available but unless the root cause is dealt with, there is no hope.

·      The point may be reached when victims become isolated and are shunned by friends and neighbours. Some die - very alone.

·      All godless attempts to help the victims are doomed to fail for they do not deal with the inner cause of the sickness. Only the Gospel and the forgiveness offered by God Himself can save a soul from ultimate death.

That is the human condition and that is the power of the cross! Hallelujah! 


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