Psalm 37:39

Psalm 37:39

We have the Lord!

This verse points out another contrast between the righteous and the wicked. When the wicked get into trouble or become aware of their sin and weakness or need deliverance or face their enemies; they have to save themselves! They must scheme and plot and equip themselves for deliverance. They must seek absolution by their own means and fight their own cause. They must try to extricate themselves from the holes they have dug. Who else can help them? Sadly, most prefer their independence, they would sneer at the idea of obtaining help from a greater, wiser power.

Not so the righteous. We have the Lord God as our covering, our helper, our deliverer, our guide and our guardian. We are not alone and that is why it is so important to learn dependence. We have to realise that we cannot save ourselves, that we cannot fight all our enemies alone and there are times when we are powerless. The greatest lesson that we can ever learn is the surrender of self and it is the journey of a lifetime. But we have a God who is willing to assist us when trouble comes. He gave His Son to save us from our sins, that is how much He cares! 

So, the Lord is much more than a distant deity who has to be obeyed, He is our close companion and Father who becomes our stronghold when life gets out of control. Remember this, you do not have to solve all the problems, you cannot clean up all of your mistakes, you do not have the resources to fight your enemies on your own – but, you do have Him. He is our fortress, and He is with us every step of the rest of our lives. What an advantage we have over the wicked. Hallelujah!


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