Psalm 37:35-36

Psalm 37:35-36

He soon passed away!

These verses are self-explanatory; we’ve all seen this happen, often to people in the public eye. Their career soars, their fame spreads, their stock rises and their bank balance with it. Such people make their mark on the world stage but their fame is short-lived. Royalty, politicians, statesmen, bankers, company directors, pop stars, sports people; the list goes on  but the consequences of ruthless greed and arrogance are all the same. Such people flourish for a time and then they are gone. Names that were on everyone’s lips are forgotten, their brief moment in the spotlight passes and the world moves on. That is the consequence of trifling with the Lord God, of living in rejection of Him, of treating this life as if it is only about me, when it should only be about Him! Not all are ruthless and not all are arrogant but if they are, they’d better watch out, selfish ambition only leads to obscurity. When the annals of earth time are completed their names will be obliterated and forgotten forever. Their very brief flirtation with worldly power and influence will be their downfall. The Satan is so very clever, he deceives men and women into believing that God does not exist so their natural reaction is to live for today and to live for themselves. Then, too late, they found out how wrong they were. 

The righteous, however, will live and be remembered for all of eternity. Hallelujah!


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