Psalm 37:34
Psalm 37:34
Hope in the Lord
This verse has appeared at a very opportune moment. I have recently been involved in some midweek Bible Studies looking at events leading up to the conquest of Canaan by Joshua and the Israelites and drawing parallels with the Christian’s journey of faith. We have seen how God delivered the Hebrew slaves from Egypt and how they were saved by the blood of the Passover Lamb pasted over their doors. We have followed their baptism in the Red Sea and the provision and protection of God in the wilderness. We have seen how unbelief was the major obstacle to entering the Promised Land and a whole generation perished in the wilderness as a consequence. All of these events have parallels in the spiritual journeys of believers today and now we are standing on the eastern banks of the River Jordan and itching to cross over. Ahead lies conflict and conquest and an unfolding story of God’s guidance and care. The thing is, when do we cross over and get started and what does that mean in church terms? “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts,” thunders the writer of Hebrews. “Those who hearts go astray will never enter my rest.” (Read Hebrews 3-4.)
Sadly, I made the mistake of thinking that I had to come up with a timetable and a plan of what we do next! This verse is so timely, “Hope in the Lord and keep His way. He will exalt you to inherit that land.” In other words, we do not have the timetable or the strategy, all the Lord asks of us is to wait on Him, to hope in Him, to trust Him and to walk in His ways. He will take us over the Jordan and give us His rest and inheritance. It’s not up to me or you, it’s up to Him. In fact, the realisation that we understand what this verse is saying probably means we’ve already crossed over and are making inroads towards the place of rest. Hallelujah!
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