Psalm 37:30

Psalm 37:30

Who are the righteous?

It is time that we properly answered the question, who are the righteous? Because there are no people who do good at all times and who are completely blameless, there must be a deeper meaning to this expression. I believe that there is more than one kind of righteousness. Let’s just ponder that statement for a moment shall we?

The first kind of righteousness is something that cannot be earned or achieved by us – it is given to us by God. Ephesians 1:4 says that the Lord God “Chose us in Him before the creation of the world, to be holy and blameless in His sight.” This is an imputed or assigned righteousness that is credited by the Lord; He deliberately chose those who would be credited in this way, He clothes us with a form of righteousness that we can never gain for ourselves. That righteousness is sealed by the blood of Christ and it alone makes us fit for God’s presence and declares us to be His children.

The second kind of righteousness is that which can be seen. It describes those who live morally and uprightly in a world of sin and decay. In that sense it embraces good people of all religions and types, for it is possible to be a good person by self-discipline and a sense of what is right and what is evil. This righteousness does not remove or atone for the sin that is within all people, we can never do enough to make ourselves right with God for, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

I believe that there is another kind of righteousness, it is the result of the work of the Holy Spirit within those who are filled with His power. This leads to a fruitful lifestyle that displays a Christ-like righteousness, a supernatural clothing of holiness that is worked out in lives that honour the Lord and display His standards out of love and devotion. That righteousness permeates our hearts and minds and is displayed in holy speech and holy actions.

May the Holy Spirit give us today what David speaks of in this verse; may wisdom be uttered by our lips and may we speak only those things that are just, true and right. 


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