Psalm 37:28
Psalm 37:28
The Lord loves the just
Integrity, honesty, fairness, righteousness; these are not words that we hear much nowadays, perhaps we never did. They have been replaced by phrases like; double-dealing, duplicity, look after yourself, do what you like so long as no one else gets hurt. Because our culture does not celebrate godly qualities, does not mean they are obsolete, in fact the opposite is true, they became the jewels, the highly sought-after rarities, the desirable objects in the eyes of the Lord God. So much so, that those who practice such things, out of respect for God, are loved by Him, for they are qualities that accompany faith in Him. Indeed, the Lord goes further, He promises that if we live His way and seek to honour Him in all of our dealings, He will never forsake us. In other words, He will watch over us for eternity!
Not so the wicked, their way leads only to self-gratification, isolation and ultimately, destruction. Sadly, their deeds not only affect them as individuals, but the consequences are passed on to their children! I know what side of this equation I would rather be on, don’t you? Let us make every effort to be the men and women who shine like those jewels, who bring a smile to the face of the eternal Being who loves us and protects us.
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