Psalm 37:26

Psalm 37:26

Lending freely

More qualities of the righteous are in view here. They are known for their generosity. They give freely because they know that they don’t really own anything, everything they have comes from a God who is generous to them. The righteous do not seek to profit when they lend to someone in need. 

The whole business of lending and charging interest is so engrained into the fabric of our culture that we forget that this is not God’s way. Some of the interest charged by institutions and banks is extortionate, greedy and wicked; it drives people further into debt instead of helping them to escape from it. In truth most financial institutions make their exorbitant profits from lending at the highest rates they can get away with! Most of us have borrowed money at some time or another and we only did so because we had a need that we could not meet on our own. We turned to a lender for help and they would see that as an opportunity to make a profit out of us. God does NOT see it that way, His way is to give without making anything on the deal. Of course, there are people who play the system to have things they do not really need, but the lending culture of our day is completely outside of God’s will and purpose, and it is only the truly righteous who will buck the trend. What do they get out of it? The Psalm says, “Their children will be a blessing.” That should be its own reward! And, before you think it, no God is not a socialist nor is He a capitalist. He is a just, holy and righteous One with a special heart for the poor and weak. 


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