Psalm 37:25
Psalm 37:25
Living by faith
Hmm, seems like this is continuing the train of thought from yesterday - it’s all about getting older! I occasionally look back and think about the faces and names that filled my childhood, youth and early adult years. Men and women of God, men who preached and taught the Scriptures and walked with the Lord. Some of them were outstanding characters and left a deep impression. One or two really did live by faith, they had no secular income and depended entirely on the Lord’s provision. And yet these people were also some of the most care-free that I have ever known, they had learned to leave everything in God’s hands and He never failed them! The Lord will not forsake His people, never, no never, no never! He has said this and He does not lie. If you are called upon, at some point in your life, to abandon worldly logic and throw yourself on His mercy, He will not forsake you. I had 10 years, from the mid-eighties onwards, of living by faith and my God abundantly provided, it was a close thing at times but I gradually learned to not be anxious because it always came right in the end. Thank God for His mercy, His provision, His kindness and His ability to watch over you and I every second of every day of our lives on Planet Earth. Don’t trust yourself – trust Him! Hallelujah!
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