Psalm 37:23-24

Psalm 37:23-24

We will not fall

Those of you who are older will be well aware of the dangers of tripping! We’ve watched our grandchildren run into everything and constantly taking tumbles, but they usually get up, grin and carry on. We were all like that once but now we prefer firm steps and a dependable route to follow. Most adults mature from fearless explorers into careful plodders! It is that growing process that I think is in David’s mind here. We may take risks with our faith when we are young and we look back and wonder how we survived at all. As we grow closer to the Lord, over the years, we delight so much in His presence that we prefer the safe route! Not to say that there will be no pitfalls, no deviating from the path or no occasions when we have to be roped to safety! But, the more we delight in the Lord somehow He makes the way seem firmer and the journey is one of growing contentment. When obstacles and difficulties arise, we know that we can trust in our Guide. Do not grow anxious my friends, He will not let you stumble and fall. The Lord is always with you and always guards your way, often when you don’t even realise it and when you trip, a loving hand reaches out and stops you from landing flat on your face! It may not be a walk in the Park but it is a safe journey to a heavenly destination and there is not one step on that road that you and I will have to take alone. Hallelujah! 


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