Psalm 37:9
Psalm 37:9
Who will inherit the Land?
One of the great questions posed by this Psalm was alluded to in the opening comments. “Who will inherit the land?” We need to remember that the spiritual battle going on around us is no less real than the physical battles fought by David and his troops. It is a battle for possession, ownership and occupancy. The Satan already has control of much of this world but he wants it all! He has control of people’s minds and habits and their priorities, but he wants more. What is so utterly frustrating is that his aim is to kill and destroy, his only plan is to eliminate God’s creatures and God’s Creation. The Satan has no ability to create, only to destroy. He aims to entrap people in his webs of deceit and his dungeons of addiction and depravity in order to annihilate them. The eroding of the natural world, the interference with the climate, the production and spread of uncontrollable viruses are all the brainchild of this evil dictator. Sadly, most of the world falls for his allurements and his lies. As believers, we are the only ones left standing who can fight back – and what a dishevelled, ill-equipped army we too often turn out to be!
The battle is not, of course, to be fought with spears, arrows, guns, tanks and warheads, it is a spiritual war that has a major impact on a physical world. The apostle Paul describes the strategy and the nature of the conflict of course, in Ephesians 6:10-18. Gathered around us are “rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”. It’s good to keep reminding ourselves of the weapons and defences that are provided for us and that there is an absolute necessity to wear these things at all times. Truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God and prayer; with these tools, dear friends, we are equipped to stand up in the fight and in some circumstances to regain the land taken by the enemy. Are you one of those who hopes in the Lord? Hallelujah if you are, for you will inherit the land!
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