Psalm 37:8

Psalm 37:8

Refrain from anger

This verse, as so often happens, embellishes what has gone before. As we have seen, the wicked tend to get away with it! They prosper, their schemes unfold, others are dragged in, willingly. The deceit and lies gather support, the whole scenario around us grows poisonous and we move from anxiety to anger for it seems that nothing can be done to stop the poison.

The devil never stops plotting. It is his very nature to oppose God and to oppose those who obey God. He has leaders and nations in the palm of his hand, he is not the prince of this world for nothing! Whenever you and I put our necks above the parapet and start to get active we will be shot at and one of the most obvious schemes is to undermine authority and then to start a gossip crusade. Lies and more lies are the toolmark of the evil one.

The Lord says to you and me, “Don’t get angry. Don’t boil over with indignation and frustration. Don’t give him credit by reacting to his schemes. In the end you will want to retaliate and that is not good. Instead, Be still and wait patiently for Him.” V7. God calls us to wait because usually the devil’s schemes come to nothing and ultimately, he can never win. God call us to wait because He wants us to trust Him, because if we react hastily we may interfere with the long-term plan - the plan to rid this world of the Satan – for ever! Hallelujah! 


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