Psalm 37:6

Psalm 37:6

Shining like the dawn

The journey, mentioned in the previous verse, is not instantaneous. We don’t pick up our Bibles, do a quick study and stay transformed for the rest of our lives. Of course, there are Damascus moments, encounters with Jesus or infillings with the Holy Spirit which are life-changing, However, the normal Christian life is a foot-slogging journey, often arduous and full of stops and starts. The process of faith is one of gradual surrender to the Spirit of God and if we are the subjects of that process we may not notice real change going on. It’s a bit like watching a child grow; its parents don’t see much daily evidence of growth, but visits by grandparents, family and friends are accompanied by exclamations of surprise, “Why he’s shot up hasn’t he!” “She’s really growing in confidence.” Our spiritual journeys are intended to bring us closer to the Lord, to make us more and more dependent on Him and as we grow something amazing happens. He vindicates us by His righteousness! What does that mean? It means that the character and purity of our Lord becomes more and more evident in us until we begin to shine like the dawn. The process continues and our whole lives reflect the glory of our God. Such is the truth of our cause and our faith that we are completely vindicated before the world. They look on and see a man or woman of God whose cause, even if they don’t agree with it, could never be refuted! Our walk and our talk demonstrate the character of the God we serve and no one dare question it for our lives shine in the darkness like the noonday sun. “Oh Lord make me that man! Make us those people.” Hallelujah. 



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