Psalm 37:4
Psalm 37:4
The desires of your heart
This next verse in David’s song looks simple but is anything but! How do we “delight in the Lord”? Delight = pleasure, joy, gladness, satisfaction – all words that we understand but, so far as the Lord is concerned, they do not always describe a relationship with Him. For many, the Lord is a God to be feared; a stern judge, a rule-making headmaster, a spiritual policeman. For others He is the object of their demands and their constant requests. Still others see the Lord as a kind of lucky charm, you’re better of with Him than without Him but He’s not really someone to relate to.
How do we perceive the Lord our God? The man who wrote this Psalm delighted in Him. For David, God was a source of constant delights, someone who made him glad, their relationship was the basis for all that was good in his life. Let’s be fair here, some of the Psalms we have read are very different, they depict a David who is woeful and depressed and in those times the Lord seems very far away. But, overall, on reflection, after consideration, “Yes” he confirms, “The Lord is my delight!” Let Him be so for us. Let us pursue a relationship with Him that will satisfy us and fill us with joy. If He is God and if He loves us, then that should be the zenith of our human experience.
So, what about the desires of our hearts? Does the Lord always provide the desires of our hearts? Notice that we are talking here about hearts. The verse does not say that the Lord will give us the desire of our eyes, or our mouths, or our hands, or our souls. The heart is the basis of the spiritual life, it is the centre of our beings where God dwells. It is the spiritual engine within us and those who do not know God do not have a heart for Him. We all have spiritual longings, even if we don’t recognise them, and the Lord wants to provide for us. Our longings are for intimacy, for knowledge and wisdom, for truth, for holiness and for relationship. If our hearts are beating soundly and our desires are to honour the Lord, then He will satisfy us. Does that mean that the Lord God is not interested in our physical needs? Of course not! The trouble is that all our physical needs are governed by our senses and affected by the world we live in, too often those desires are subjective or cultural and not particularly in tune with the Kingdom of Heaven. In modern Britain, if we desire food we don’t have to turn with longing to God, we go to the fridge! So, let’s think hard about what our hearts desire. If we are in tune with our heavenly Father, He promises to fulfil those desires. Hallelujah!
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