Psalm 37:21

Psalm 37:21

To give and not to count the cost

In a money-oriented culture like our own it is easy to get caught up in the greed and covetousness of the world. Everything is measured by it’s financial worth. Where we live. What car we drive. Where we go on holiday. What clothes we wear. How much money we have saved. Who our friends are. How big our pension is. What possessions we own. For those who have nothing else to put their hope in of course all of these things matter. If your only expectations and hopes are earth-bound and there is nothing for you beyond this life then what you can accumulate here is vitally important. If your only ambition is to out-do others or to enjoy as many comforts while you have time and money to do so, who can blame you for grabbing them gratefully? This verse of David’s was written long before Credit Cards were invented but it seems that things were no different in his day. People borrowed then and they borrow now with no intention or hope of being able to repay their debt. In our culture they do not care, particularly if the money comes from a Bank or financial institution. Some see it as their right to take as much on credit as they can. It is against that background that the Word of God warns us that the righteous are expected to live differently. Instead of borrowing we are to give and to do so generously. To give away as if this world and its riches did not matter. To give in the belief that nothing can be taken with us and that greater treasures await beyond the grave. To give with no thought of the cost because possessions and value in this world count for nothing in God’s eyes. That’s a bit of challenge isn’t it? 


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