Psalm 37:2

Psalm 37:2

Good and bad grass!

We had a couple of weeks without rain earlier this year. Beyond the garden gate is a meadow and that meadow was covered in green grass and clover, 12 -18 inches high. Two months ago it was looking wonderful and the farmer must have been purring as he anticipated the crop of hay that was waiting to be harvested. Then came the drought and the green grass quickly became dry and seared and it died. It still produced hay but not quite in the way expected and probably not in the quantities expected either. This is the way of the wicked, one moment they prosper and flourish and the next they are dying and worthless. The process is very quick and happens right before our eyes, their time is so short and I wonder how many have regretted the way they used it. Arrogant to the end, most will finish their days in unbelief and will soon be forgotten. I sometimes ponder how many men and women have claimed centre stage in my lifetime? They dominated the news programmes and the tabloid headlines. They waved and made pithy speeches and indulged their egos for a very short while. They occupy a few lines in the history books but no one remembers them anymore. Another generation has filled their shoes and the world moves on.  Not so the righteous – they will be remembered forever, their records in heaven are never forgotten! That’s a good incentive to be one of them, isn’t it?


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