Psalm 37:12-13

Psalm 37:12-13

The Lord laughs at the wicked

I’m sure that we have all been subject to a bit of teeth gnashing at times! Let’s keep our discussion of this verse within the confines of the Christian church. If you are a leader, there will inevitably have been occasions when certain individuals gnash their teeth at your leadership and plot and scheme to bring you down or to tarnish your character or to undermine your authority. It’s interesting that whenever these folk are confronted, they grow very agitated and the whole affair usually ends with a torrent of abuse and the accuser storming off in a huff. Sometimes we have to placate and calm and seek to befriend these people, more often than not I have found that it is best to let them go. It is not difficult to determine whether the accuser is a hurt and troubled person and they need love and support or if they are the “wicked’ and it is best to part company, however painful that may be. You see, if you are strong in faith and in the Lord and you stand by the Scriptures and walk righteously you will incur the wrath of those who do not. They will be far happier if you and I compromise, water down the truth, talk little of God’s holiness and entertain their egos. This Psalm tells us that, “The Lord laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is coming.” Do not let the wicked bring you down, it is the Lord who will decide their fate and who truly knows their hearts. All that you and I have to do is to examine ourselves and seek to walk humbly before Him, that is enough to keep us occupied!


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