Psalm 37:11

Psalm 37:11

Who will inherit?

This verse was quoted by Jesus in His famous discourse – usually referred to as the Beatitudes. “Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5. This matter of inheritance needs to be explored some more. For David, and those who had gone before him, it meant of course the physical land of Israel; the residing place of God’s chosen people who had conquered and distributed what had once been Canaan. Jesus taught much about a different land, He called it a kingdom – the Kingdom of Heaven. To exist in that land means observing rules and ways of living that are different from those who live in the world. So radically different, in fact, that hardly anyone has been bold enough to embrace them! Thankfully, it is not by discipline, laws and rules that the Kingdom of Heaven takes root in our hearts. It is when we meekly surrender to the King and allow Him to take control by His Holy Spirit. So long as we remain in control of our lives, the Kingdom of Heaven remains at a distance. When we allow the King of Heaven to reign in His Kingdom and we embrace His power, His values and His leadership, the Kingdom of Heaven grows within us. 

There is a future land that is promised to all who believe; Revelation 21:1 starts the description of a new heaven and a new earth, a land prepared for those who are victorious.   Which kingdom and which land will you inherit? 



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