Psalm 37:1

Psalm 37:1

Who will inherit the Land? 

This is a massive Psalm that continues the theme of Psalm 36 in that it constantly contrasts the way of the wicked with the ways of the righteous. On four occasions David throws into question who will inherit the land. (Verses 9,11,22,29) Will it be the wicked with their schemes, their violence, their deceit and their lies or will it be the righteous who humbly trust in the Lord? 

So, I suggest we use this as our theme and keep this question in mind. The world is the Satan’s domain, he is the prince of the power of the air. But we seek a greater kingdom and live for a different Lord. Can we inherit as we live in the world? What are the qualities of the righteous? How do we claim the ground? What are the battles that lie ahead as we seek to become like Joshua and the Children of Israel as they ventured in their Land of Promise?


V1        This is a good start, a gem of wisdom before we get going. Whatever you do, if you are fighting for the King of Kings, don’t get anxious about the works and ways of the evil ones. It will be so easy to envy their status, their wealth and privileges, their wanton lifestyles, their worldly success, their influence, the way they satisfy their desires without any apparent restrictions. They accumulate wealthy and fame and friends and power while we suffer indignities, are laughed at and deprived of their luxuries by self-discipline and obedience. If any of this describes your state of mind, the Lord says, “Don’t fret.” And He will go on to give you plenty of reasons why you should not fret. Hallelujah! 


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