Psalm 36:9b

Psalm 36:9b

We've seen the light

“In Your light we see light”. What a curious phrase, one that doesn’t quite seem to make sense? I think what this means reflects the teaching of Genesis 1:3 where we read, in the very beginning God said, “Let there be light.” In verse 14, sometime later in the creative process, He creates the sun and moon and stars, the sources of natural light. In other words when God said, “Let there be light”, He was not talking about the dawning of a new day or the great burning orb that traverses our skies. The light of God is something deeper, picked up by the Apostle John in his Gospel when talking about the Word, “He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made, without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:2-4. God’s light is His Word, it is His truth, it is His law and it is His wonderful Son who is the full expression of God to our world. Without Him we would not know God and the world would be in darkness. Without Him, life could not exist, He is the personification of God Almighty and thus He is the life of the world and in so being, He is the light of the world. It is only because He exists and has been revealed to us that we can see, by revelation. What a mystery! What a wonder! How privileged we are to see Him in His humanity and in His glory! You and I could not see except that He has been revealed to us. That is why so many walk in darkness, they are unable to understand that “In Your light we see light.” Jesus Christ is the only way to light. Hallelujah!



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