Psalm 36:12

Psalm 36:12

Not able to rise!

A bit of a roller-coaster, this Psalm, wasn’t it? 

Verses 1-4 slate the wicked – their attitudes, their words and their actions. Thousands of years later and nothing has changed there! 

Verses 5-9 are a wonderful exposition of the love and faithfulness of God. We rise from the tawdry habits of the wicked to the glorious heights of the abundant blessings of the Lord, and we become breathless with wonder at His provision and glory.

Verses 10-11 are a prayer asking the Lord to continue in showing love and righteousness to the faithful and for protection against the proud and the evildoers.

Verse 12 ends on a note of victory but also offers a salutary warning. The end of the wicked will come, they will die in their sins, their evil plots ad schemes will be snuffed out by the inevitability of death and they will never rise again. If you are a believer today, you will rise again. You will not sleep in the dust of death until judgement; instead you are promised resurrection and eternal life through Christ Jesus. Your sins are forgiven and you are already declared fit for the paradise of God. Hallelujah! What a brilliant way to end Psalm 36. 


Thank You Lord for reminding me today of what I have gained by leaving the courts of the wicked and setting my hope and faith in You; the God of love, faithfulness, righteousness. Thank You that You preserve Your people, that we may take refuge in You and that Your promises never fail. Thank You that before us is the promise of resurrection and life and that all evildoers will have to account to You, the God of truth and justice. 


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