Psalm 36:11

Psalm 36:11

Keep me close to You

David is hoping to avoid a scrap here perhaps? “May no arrogant so-and-so give me a kicking and may I not be slapped down by the wicked.” More likely he is praying confidently and intimately to the Lord that he wants no one to hinder him from his spiritual journey and his relationship with his God. The proud and arrogant can intimidate us, they can make us feel weak in our faith as they mock our dependence on a God who is, to them, irrelevant and non- existent. They belittle our faith and throw a thousand reasons in our faces, why we are ridiculous to believe in a God at all. This kind of intimidation is rampant in our culture, it is the arrogant and proud in the church and outside of it that silences the message and undermines the messengers. Don’t let them kick you, stand up to them. You and I have more reason to be proud than they do, only our pride is not in ourselves but in the God we serve. Neither should we let those who are intent on wickedness drive us from the Lord’s presence, they are everywhere and the Satan masterminds them. He will, no doubt, seek to lure you and I today. Let us make this our daily prayer and let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. 


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