500 blogs

Many months ago the Lord prompted me to walk my way through the Psalms and to write down what He showed me. It was a new venture for me and I was dubious about my "stickability" and also that a Collection of Songs like this might get a bit tedious. I mean, up to now I had only ever skimmed through this book of the Bible and meditated on the verses that stood out. One of the reasons for the journey was that I was becoming more aware of the battle that we are in as Christians and I wanted to see what the Psalmists had to say about that.

It was some months later that I was prompted to commit my ramblings to a blog, mainly because there were certain people who I thought might be encouraged in their own journey.  500 blogs later and one or two have kept with it, others have dipped in from time to time. It's not exactly been a worldwide success! However, I cannot stop now, the journey has been an incredible blessing to me and I look forward, every day, to the time spent in the Study with my Bible open at this sacred songbook. What is the Lord saying to me today? What new things am I going to learn? The greatest lesson has been that ongoing, daily, disciplined commitment to God's Word is the best spiritual defence mechanism there is. Every day, a word of truth is dropped into my heart and a further brick in the barricade has been put in place. Some days, those bricks are barely noticeable, other days they shine with glory and strength.

Thank you for coming on this journey with me, who knows what lies ahead? The passing months have been difficult for us as a country, as families and church, and as individuals but as today's verse (500th) says, "Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." 


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