Psalm 36:7

Psalm 36:7

Love and wings!

The unfailing love of the Lord is a big subject in the Scriptures. There is a word in Hebrew that describes this – “Hesed”. It is love that exists in an established relationship. It is love that is all-embracing and that never fails. It can exist between people but it is used, more often, to describe the love between God and man. It is a love that can be relied upon in times when we are struggling and need help. It is a love that embraces many other facets of God’s personality - His kindness, His mercy and, here in this verse, His faithfulness. The faithfulness of the Lord God is founded upon His love for us. It is the love of a God who promises to provide  and care for His people, who makes Covenants to express His intent and who then keeps His word, no matter what.  That is the unfailing love of God and David makes a point of telling us that he is ever mindful of it. In other words, he never doubts that God is at work, and God is working because of love for His people. We need to be mindful of this too. Whatever our circumstances, the “Hesed” love of Almighty God is upon us, He will never leave nor forsake us for His love is unfailing. He has promised! Hallelujah! 


The verse goes on to talk about the refuge to be found beneath the shadow of God’s wings. Immediately, our thoughts go to a large bird and the nestlings that shelter under its protection. I’m sure that our God offers that kind of security to us in times of trouble and fear. There is also the analogy in Scripture of the cloud that covered the Israelite Camp during daylight hours. It protected them from the heat of the sun and allowed them to go about their daily business in relative comfort. That cloud was a source of guidance too, if it moved then the Lord was prompting the people to pack up their tents and move with it. There is one further illustration that helps us to understand “the refuge beneath His wings”. The prayer shawl, worn by all Israelite men, covered their shoulders and draped down to their waist, when they raised their arms it took on the appearance of the wings of a bird. In fact, the draped shawl, in this position was called the wings. You and I are able to come beneath the protective wings of our Sovereign God and find comfort and protection, guidance and security. He is our refuge and the shadow of His wings is with us at all times. Take heart, the covering of the Lord is always over you. Hallelujah!


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