Psalm 36:3

Psalm 36:3

The words of the wicked

This is the pinch point, this is what tells you and I if someone is wicked maybe beyond redemption, it’s what comes out of their mouths. Only God can see the intentions of the heart but you and I can hear the words that come from that heart. Have you had those conversations that you ponder later and realise that what a person was saying was not what they were saying at all. They made comments and you accepted them at the time, later, with hindsight, you see that you were being manipulated, that the conversation was shrouded in intrigue and deceit. Some people live their lives this way, they are adept at twisting and engineering conversations so that they control the agenda. Then, as you contemplate the person and what was said, you realise that there is no wisdom in their ideas, it was all said to wrest control, to turn things their way.

I love an honest person. God loves an honest person. Someone who says it as it is, who does not practice flattery or deception, you know where you stand. Our God says it like it is. He says that you and I are sinners and that He hates our sin. He says that we can do nothing about it. Help! Then He leads us to the cross and says, “This is what I have done for 


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