Psalm 36:2

Psalm 36:2

Hating sin

One of the overriding characteristics of the wicked is their arrogance. We are talking here about people who trust only in themselves. They do not need a God; they can work it out for themselves. They say, “Humanity has the answers, why look to some kind of heavenly fantasy when reality is man-made. Science has all the answers, as we push back the barriers of our knowledge, so we take greater control of our own destinies. Science has proved there is no God. Philosophy gives us the guidelines we need to run our lives. Great human organisations allow us to organise ourselves and run our world.” ……… And then Covid 19 came along!

Those who are arrogant do not see their faults, it takes humility to recognise that we have sinned or defaulted in any way. It takes even more humility to bow before a wooden cross, planted outside Jerusalem, of all places, and acknowledge that the abused body of a crucified Nazarene is actually the sacrificial Lamb of God. Even if such people would admit, in a moment of weakness, that they had sinned, they dismiss it is a joke, a brief flash of fallibility but no more than that. In their minds they do it, because everyone does it. They had to lie; it was for the best. They had to steal, the person they stole from was more wicked than they are. They cannot and will not hate their greed, their pride, their lust, their deceit, their perversion, their lies, their coveting, their complete lack of purpose without God. 

I hate my sin – don’t you?


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