Psalm 36:1

Psalm 36:1

The sin of the wicked v the love of God 

The title of this Psalm says, “Of David the servant of the Lord.” This was a high title indeed for it is used often of Moses, the great leader of Israel and the one to whom God had given the first books of the Scriptures. Very few men would dare to call themselves “the servant of the Lord.” There is no doubt, that David put himself at God’s disposal and spent most of his life seeking to do God’s work and to be God’s man, particularly as head of the nation of Israel. David had his moments, as do we all, when he muttered and cried and blamed God if things went wrong. His adulterous affair and his marriages made his domestic life very complicated and yet, and yet, at all times he possessed a humble and contrite heart that was open to the Lord God, that sought God’s will and ultimately always accepted that will. May we be like him as we read and cherish these honest but beautiful songs. 


V1        It is usually either the cranks or the true prophets who claim to have a special message from God. This message was embedded in David’s heart and it was not a great prophetic insight into future events but rather, an insight into the sinfulness of the wicked. Sometimes we can be longing for and waiting for a profound statement from God about some significant event and instead He wants us to show us the depths of the depravity of man, the perverted nature of sin and its disastrous effects upon those who serve under it. One of the characteristics of sin and the wicked is their lack of respect and reverence for God. They do not believe in Him or if they do, they have no sense of perspective on just who He is. There is no fear of divine retribution for sin, no fear of the consequences of God’s judgement, no concern that to disobey Him and to defy Him is the most foolhardy of occupations. They do not perceive God in His created world, they do not accept His commandments, they have no morals except to serve themselves and they despise those who put their faith in a greater being. The fact that God gave them life and God holds them accountable and God sees every deed, hears every word and knows every thought is completely irrelevant to them. Their eyes are blinded to the truth and they live only for the moment and their own prosperity and comfort. My friends, let this be a lesson, we do not come to this point often but when we do, let us not underestimate how detestable sin is to God. If we do not share David’s insight we are in danger of diminishing the vileness of sin and the righteousness of the God whose moral laws are violated by all sin. 


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