Psalm 35:27

Psalm 35:27

True friends

Well, it’s good to know that there were people who had David’s best interest at heart, they were not all plotters and schemers and knife-twisters! There were true friends who delighted in his integrity and rejoiced to see him vindicated, who were glad his enemies were exposed and taken down. David wants a party! He wants there to be a celebration with shouting and dancing and whoops of joy that the enemy camp has been defeated. But, the celebration is not for the king, it is for the King of Kings; let the Lord have all the credit and all the glory, may the Lord be exalted for the Lord “delights in the well-being of His servant.”

This is a difficult subject but there are times when we have to evaluate our “friends.” Experience teaches that they are divided into the two camps described in this Psalm. On the one hand are the people who say all the right things, who smile and present as being our best allies, who listen and nod and offer support but when the chips are down, they are nowhere to be seen. Worse still, we discover that they were gossiping and murmuring behind our backs and their support was just a show, their friendship counted for little. This can happen, even in churches and is very hard to stomach, especially from people we have confided in and trusted.

The other kind of friend is always loyal, always true and always thinks the best of us. They will stick by us in the darkest of times and never listen to the gossipers. When things go well and we are vindicated, they will give the Lord the glory and honour and exalt His name. Thank God for such people, they are the ones to party with!


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