Psalm 35:26

Psalm 35:26

Shame my enemies

It’s been a long haul hasn’t it! The woes and troubles of David have not been light reading and some of his outpourings have been really depressing. But, this is real life, this is what we all face, the journey to heaven is not all singing, dancing and glory, instead it is often about gritting our teeth and pressing on regardless. By so doing we learn to trust in our God who will bring us through the bad times and reward us with His grace and His blessing. David’s woes here are not imaginary, he most certainly suffered at the hands of countless deceitful people, some of them related to him, others hungry for power and willing to exploit his weaknesses and his troubled emotions. That is the “norm” for many of us, it is the place where we learn to doggedly press on, clinging tightly to the hand of our Lord. 

This verse that ends these tribulations demands justice and punishment for David’s enemies. “May they be put to shame and confusion. May they be clothed with shame and disgrace.” I wonder if we are too polite at times? I wonder if we dare to ask the Lord God to shame our enemies and to disgrace them? In Acts, the early Christians prayed against their enemies and were not afraid to identify them and to confront them. Jesus exposed the hypocrisy and deceit of the Pharisees and religious leaders; maybe there are times to speak up and speak out. At the very least we can ask the Lord to vindicate us and to deal with those who oppress us. Let them have a taste of what it is like – from Him!


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